Sunday, March 9, 2014

You are being sued

Really? That's how the legal system decides it's the best way to be served? By putting at the top of the paperwork "You are being sued."  Well someone needs to come up with a better thing to say.  Actually, what is better? Sued doesn't seem right but I guess anything that is on there isn't much better.  Maybe "Marriage is hard so I want to divorce you" but that wouldn't apply to a lot of people who want divorces for better reasons but that's what mine should have said.  So in 6 months and 1 day from yesterday I will be single.  Wow, that's scary and lonely.  Well married or not the loneliness is already here so I guess that won't change.  At least now my life is going toward what it is going to be for now.  My new normal, for now, will be waiting for the divorce to be final and finding things to keep my mind off the sad stuff.

My baby is 7 today!  She is a happy, healthy, dramatic, friendly, sweet, loving, and beautiful girl!  I would never regret my marriage because I know it was the right thing and how can I regret my 2 wonderful children.  They are my life right now and helping me stay sane.  It's amazing how I relied on my husband to help with so much and thought I couldn't do it by myself.  You never know how strong you are until you have to be and I have to be for my kids and for myself.

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